Friday, June 3, 2011


No body tells you being pregnant is so hard on your body.  Women tell you how wonderful it is to be pregnant.  And when the baby comes, it's the most wonderful thing in the world.

Yes, I am sure holding the baby in my arms will be the most wonderful thing I've done so far in my life.  However, being pregnant, not so much.  I cruised through the first 6 month of my pregnancy.  I didn't have morning sickness.  Didn't gain that much weight. Other than not drinking, my life didn't change that much.  I was still going to work, hanging out with friends, going on exotic vacations, etc.  I know that other women have it worse than I had their first and second trimaster.

Then, I hit my 7th month.  My belly started ballooning and gaining weight rapidly.  I could no longer do things that I used to do.  I couldn't be on my feet for more than 2 hours without them hurting and swelling up.  I couldn't sit too long without having my feet swell up.  So, I couldn't sit or stand, what is a girl to do.  My back started hurting  all the time.  None of my clothes fit me.  My skin on my belly started stretching and it was starting to hurt.  And don't get me started about my boobs.  I also noticed spider veins on my legs.  Good thing I can't look down and see them, since they are hidden underneath my enormous belly.  Couldn't sleep at night because I had to go to the bathroom all the time.  Then on top of that I had a hard time breathing because I was so congested at night.

Well, I could go on and on.  But it just seems like I am complaining.  How did other women do this? My hats off to women that have multiple children.  Can't imagine doing this and have another child or more to take care of....

I am at my 40th week and just waiting for the day my little girl decide to show up.  This will be all worth it...  Next time I write, I will have my baby and will forget all about the pain.  I just wanted to jot it down before I forget all about how hard it is to be pregnant.

Thank you, all moms out there!!  We appreciate what you've gone through to bring us into the world.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We are discriminated everyday of our lives every where we go.

For Race, Color, Gender, Job Status..etc....

I've had a fairly good life and surrounded myself to least amount of discrimination.  I grew up in a upper class white community.  Went to a top University and graduated with a fairly high grade point average.  Have Blue Collar job that gives a White Collar life style.  Face it being a flight attendant is a total blue collar job..  I pick up after people and serve them.  But at the end of the day, I am flying off to Rio sipping Capirina's!!!

But every once in awhile, I am reminded of who I am and where I come from.

I applied to rent a house in a very desirable community of down town Kirkland.  This was a listed by Remax but asked to call the current tenant for showing.  I called the tenant and made an appointment to see the place.  When I saw it, I fell in love with the place and told her that I wanted it.  She told me I was the first to look at it. (excellent!)

To make a long story short, I called my friend who is a real estate agent to get the paper work going.  Since it was listed with a property management company, I wanted to do the right steps to get the place.  The listing agent received my application and fee and told me( and my agent) that she had forwarded it to the land lord.

I waited 4 days and got a call saying that land lord wanted to meet and interview me.  So my agent and I met with the land lord.  He asked me why I liked the place and wanted to let me know the nuances of the house.  Small and older house but workable in my opinion.  During the interview, he found out several information about myself.
including the most important fact:

I am a unwed mother to be!!!

I was told that they were only interviewing one other person for this house.  A male.  I don't know what his marital or job status is.  All I know is that it is a man.  And after waiting 3 days I was told that the land lord went with him...

Humm.....Wait, I was the first one there.  He accepted my applications first.  Took my $50 application fee.  I have better than excellent credit.  All three of my credit scores are over 750.  I have the cash to pay for 1st, last and security deposit.  What is the problem?

I talked to the listing agent and she told me that land lord felt the man was more handy than I.  Let me remind you that I am really handy.  Just because I don't physically do the work myself, that doesn't mean I am not handy.  I have several contractor friends that come over and fix things any time I need help.  My renters for my townhouse have never complained about things never getting fixed.

There was a single women living there already but why not me?  She didn't look too handy by looks of how she lived.

Because the land lord is Iranian Muslim and I am a unwed mother!!!

Mom to be with raging hormones.  Hey guy, you really messed with the wrong person!  You will be hearing from me because I am making a formal complaint!!!  I am on mandatory maternity leave with NO PAY from my company.  All I have is time!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Car Seats and Strollers!!!

Okay, I've been asking all moms what car seat and stroller to buy but everyone has a different opinion.

So, how do I choose?

Here's the skinny on the Strollers:  The most popular answers:

BOB:  Very popular in Seattle.  All Terrain stroller good for running and hiking.
I didn't run when I didn't have a baby so why do I need this.  I did do some hiking but I remember the hiking trails.  Seriously, I don't think I can take a stroller on these hikes.  Better to get a back pack....

Bugaboo:  Creme de la Creme on strollers.  It looks more like a Pram they use in Europe.  Very stylish.  And yes, I will look good pushing this around.  But there's a problem with this.  It has no cup holders for adult or baby.  No basket for shopping.  So, I look good pushing this but I am having to lug around my diaper bag, purse, coffee...etc.  Also, it's just not travel friendly.  One of my friends that has a Bugaboo Bee, tried to check in on Alaska Airline but they wouldn't let her.  I don't know why but she couldn't gate check it.  Why buy this when you can't travel with it.  Also, when I go to Disney Land and I have to park it at the stroller parking lot, who's to say someone will not mistake my $1000 stroller for their $50 umbrella stroller.  Do I buy a lock for my stroller so it's not stolen?  That's just silly.....

P.S. I guess you can get cup holders and shopping basket for both BOB and Bugaboo.  But of course you have to purchase them separately.

All the other brands:  ????  Which one?  Chicco, Maxi Cosi,  Mc Clarren.  Baby Trend...It's keeping me awake at night.  HELP!

What about a car seat?  I had a mom that brought their Aircraft approved car seat on one of my working flights but the buckle didn't go through the back of the car seat.  So she couldn't strap it down.  How did this car seat get the Aircraft Approved sticker?  All the seat belts are the same on all aircrafts.  It has the thick release buckle.

Flight Attendant Mom's.  What is your opinion?  Just like all mom's money is no object for my baby's safety.  I just want to get the right one that fits my lifestyle....

Monday, March 28, 2011

Stella at 20 weeks!

Hi everyone,

Here's my latest venture in life.  Growing Stella in my belly!!!  This is a picture of her at 20 week ultrasound.  I am now at 29 weeks and she is moving around a lot.  It's not the most comfortable experience but it is amazing to know that there is a living person growing in my body.  

Being a mom will change my life and I am looking forward to it!!
